WLM focuses predominantly on the millions of ordinary women and girls at grassroots level that are often excluded from the gender equality conversation, yet they are the primary victims of gender discrimination. Our patriarchal societal norms and standards foster and sustain this vicious cycle of abuse and, in the absence of political will, our laws have proven futile in the battle against gender stereotyping, and the oppression and suppression of women and girls. WLM is therefore resolute in confronting and challenging any arbitrary laws, policy, social constructs, mind-sets, and behaviours, which threaten gender equality and stifles the realization of gender parity. In order to achieve this objective, WLM will educate, mobilise, and equip women and girls, particularly, in our disadvantaged communities to take a stand, cement themselves as social change leaders and, in a constructive manner, support one another and collectively advocate for gender equality.
Women Lead Movement (WLM) as a young organisation has grown in leaps and bounds in 2019. What made our success particularly powerful was our ability to reach more than 2000 women and girls and young men with a limited budget and human resources capacity. Our passion for the promotion of a gender equal society and human rights was the driving force behind our hard work and commitment. Our work was recognised by international and regional human rights movements and the highlights were our participation in two Global Gender Equality Campaigns and the Global Gender Summit that took place in Rwanda. WLM has forged many partnerships with women’s rights organisations in South Africa and in different countries across the African continent and over the next year we have many exciting projects, campaigns and collaborations in-store.
Melene Rossouw